This arrangement of tightly packed carnations and Ferrero Rocher chocolates will be a pleasant surprise to any recipient. Our inhouse florists hand-design each arrangement, so colours may vary due to
Warm a friend’s heart with this gift basket and they’ll thank you for sending this gift!
$ 88.99
Designer’s Choice
A special show of appreciation, thank you, thinking of you, just because or have a great day kind of bouquet!!
$ 58.99
Just For You Arrangement
A combination of roses, carnations and peruvian lilies.
$ 105.55
Mixed Bouquet
Assorted Fall Mix Bouquet
Assorted flowers
$ 75.99
Breakfast Time Dad
Father’s Day, a basket filled with his favourite breakfast items to start his day, including Nescafe coffee, coffee mate, ginger & mint tea, pirouline, cereal, wafers and more.